Portfolio manager William Yuen has also trimmed down positions in “new economy” stocks.

Portfolio manager William Yuen has also trimmed down positions in “new economy” stocks.
It will be the second biotech-focused ETF listed in the SAR.
The firm made its first hire in Hong Kong and relocated its head of global private client practice to Singapore from San Francisco.
The firm will be launching its first active ETF in Hong Kong.
The ETF should provide investors exposure to the top 100 high quality listed Chinese companies.
Data suggest a turnaround in sentiment towards northbound funds.
In total, the Hong Kong-based firm manages 13 PFMs in the mainland.
The programme was initially expected to launch in 2015 but was delayed as authorities wanted to clamp down capital outflows.
Schroders also has plans of establishing a stand-alone public mutual fund company in the mainland.
Part of the Mark Allen Group.