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FSA Alpha Portfolios Forum Hong Kong 2019

Fund Selector Asia launches a new event in Hong Kong.

Date: Wednesday 17 April 2019
Time: 09:00 – 14:00 (including lunch)
Venue: JW Marriott Hotel

This new FSA Forum focuses on funds with higher conviction and greater concentration of securities than most of their peers.

Asian wealth managers have consistently shown an appetite for funds that have a higher return aspiration and FSA is providing the ideal platform to share strong ideas.

Whether it is a champion stock-picking approach or a narrow focus on fixed income or credit, this Forum is designed to let portfolio managers who prefer espresso to latte get in front of fund selectors, analysts and investment councillors.

For more information about the event and how you can get involved, please contact:

David Mills
Head of audience development
Tel: +852 3695 5161

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