Five institutions have received new quotas in the first two weeks of December.

Five institutions have received new quotas in the first two weeks of December.
Mainland investors have poured RMB 2.6bn ($400m) in Hong Kong-domiciled funds during the first two months this year.
Eleven firms became recipients last month of quotas amounting to $8.85bn
The programme was initially expected to launch in 2015 but was delayed as authorities wanted to clamp down capital outflows.
Most of the recipients were fund management companies.
Seven firms received the quotas for the first time.
Mainland investors have favoured onshore funds as the domestic market continues to outperform the rest of the world.
The regulators just issued $3.36bn of fresh quotas last month, after QDII quota allocations were suspended in April 2019.
Separately, Hong Kong investors have poured money into southbound products for the fourth consecutive month.
After the unusual outflow in January, Hong Kong-domiciled products sold in the mainland (northbound funds) through the MRF saw net inflows in February.
Part of the Mark Allen Group.