GMO excludes China; Diversity is rushing to the exit; What is a boutique? Pictet is thinking about families; Sands Capital likes software; JP Morgan’s tech spend; Defense VCs spending and much more.

GMO excludes China; Diversity is rushing to the exit; What is a boutique? Pictet is thinking about families; Sands Capital likes software; JP Morgan’s tech spend; Defense VCs spending and much more.
Pictet’s Shaniel Ramjee on the current state of corporate and government bonds.
Defence ETFs for a dangerous world, Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink, Bloomberg economists miss the target, Pictet on the US election, Gold in Hong Kong, Hang Seng blues and much more.
Schroders is hiring, Federated Hermes warns on PE exits, Fidelity thinks China is cheap, Pictet likes, gold and emerging markets, S&P 500 dividend woes, October’s volatility and much more.
The fund will invest in global corporate bonds.
This week FSA provides a quick comparison of two energy funds: the Pictet Clean Energy Transition fund and the Schroders Global Energy Transition fund.
Pictet Asset Management’s Andy Wong tells FSA why being based in Hong Kong helps to form a differentiated view on US tech and other investment themes.
The benefits from a rate cut may be marginal given the region’s increasingly fragile political situation.
Leveraging the world, the utter tediousness of feedback, BlackRock’s large-cap ETF, Pictet thinks about innovation vs design, lies and damned lies from Fed’s Powell, a personal departure and much more.
Da Seul Lee will oversee relationships with both institutional and intermediary clients as well as lead business development in Korea.
Part of the Mark Allen Group.