Fidelity America Vs Janus US Twenty

However, the first quarter proved to be the weakest since 2012 for the earnings per share of S&P-listed companies. The strong dollar and low oil prices dragged down earnings, according to JP Morgan Asset Management. While the firm expects EPS growth to rebound later this year, it warned that investors should lower their return expectations to […]

The FSA Spy market buzz 15 06 2015

Spy has been out with his magnifying glass pounding the streets and eavesdropping on gossip in cafés, but the summer lull has arrived and the world of Asian asset management is getting a little siesta time. Nonetheless, Spy has unearthed a few juicy tidbits on the jobs merry-go-round. Whilst savouring a fine Laphroaig (10-year-old vintage), Spy heard that Heidi […]

Moderate return expectations from Europe

Following the European Central Bank’s massive quantitative easing programme, which was announced in November last year, European equities have rallied perhaps a bit too much, according to the firm. “Given that valuations are sitting at a 10-year high on a forward price-to-earnings metric, strong earnings growth is increasingly necessary to justify these valuations,” the firm […]

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