Axa Investment Managers and Kyobo Life have been in partnership since 2008 and manage W45trn of assets.

Axa Investment Managers and Kyobo Life have been in partnership since 2008 and manage W45trn of assets.
The approval came weeks after rival JP Morgan’s authorisation.
It has reportedly held discussions with several banks in the country.
The firm is set to become the first foreign fund house with 100% ownership of an asset management joint venture in mainland China.
Foreign controlling stakes are planned as the race to create wealth management partnerships hots up ahead of the lifting of restrictions next year.
China’s regulator has growing concern over short-term bond funds, which have almost doubled assets year-to-date.
The joint venture between Credit Suisse and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has lost its place as the largest onshore asset manager, according to the Asset Management Association of China (Amac).
Only a small number of large foreign asset managers are expected to apply for approval to hold a controlling stake in a Chinese asset management joint venture, according to Sean Hung, senior analyst at Moody’s Investors Service.
Morgan Stanley intends to increase its stake in the joint venture Morgan Stanley Huaxin Fund Management to a majority interest.
China should allow foreign firms to seed their own onshore funds via QFII quota, giving potential mainland clients the confidence to invest, said Eugenie Shen, head of the asset management group at industry association Asifma.
Part of the Mark Allen Group.