Though the sell-off in emerging markets has made valuations more attractive, Neil Dwane, global strategist at Allianz Global Investors, cautions investors to stay on the sidelines.
Tag: China

East Capital shifts China fund to green theme
The emerging markets-focused firm will convert its China equities fund to a thematic environmental strategy product for China.
There are simple solutions to China’s troubles, says Neptune
China’s troubles have been overplayed by markets and have ‘simple, feasible solutions’, according to chief economist and CIO at Neptune Investment Management James Dowey.
China concerns overblown: Matthews Asia
As Matthews Asia launches an Asia ex-Japan Dividend Fund, chief investment officer and portfolio manager Robert Horrocks dispels headline fears over China.
The FSA Spy market buzz – 8 Jan 16
Movement at BoS; Standing still at UOB; Margaret Thatcher’s ghost haunts China; BNP Paribas earns some bragging rights; Amundi boasts and much more.
Julius Baer takes stake in Shanghai wealth manager
The Swiss firm will purchase a $17.5m stake in Jupai, a US-listed Chinese wealth manager.
Are EM equities going to surprise in 2016?
Typically shunned by investors, emerging markets may be ready for a second look in 2016.
TPP impact on Asia `without equivalent’
The Asia-linked trade agreement that goes far beyond anything NAFTA addressed is expected to drive growth particularly in Vietnam, Japan and Malaysia.
The bet on China’s service sector
Divergence between China’s services and manufacturing sectors continues, the latest data shows.
IMF: RMB goes into the currency basket
China’s renminbi has been included in the special drawing rights currency basket, according to yesterday’s IMF executive board decision.