The advisory type wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) structure allows the Dutch asset manager to conduct on-the-ground research on A-shares and service institutional clients.
Tag: China
China – the source of fintech disruption?
Disruption of the fund industry through fintech is likely to come from mainland China, according to ICI Global.
China GDP growth report raises suspicion
China has reported annualised gross domestic product growth of 6.7% for the third quarter, in line with market expectations and the government’s own forecasts. But market watchers are suspicious about the medium-term outlook.
The promise and risk in China’s `new economy’
China’s consumption story is expanding quickly, creating some of the most appealing investment cases currently available to investors, particularly as markets are yet to fully price in the pace of urbanisation in the country, says UBP’s Peng Yao.
Z-Ben: Chinese IIs to put $1.1trn offshore by 2021
Offshore assets that global managers can potentially tap are expected to hit $1.1trn in 2021 — 17% of the total assets from mainland institutional investors, according to consultant Z-Ben Advisors.
MRF northbound sales surge in August
Northbound net flows under the Mutual Recognition of Funds scheme hit RMB 3.95bn ($593m) in August, 3.6 times the figure in July (RMB 1.1bn), according to the latest data from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.
China’s capital outflows increase for fourth straight month
In August, $51bn left the mainland, according to Standard Chartered estimates, as authorities increased support for the mainland currency, which is under devaluation pressure.

China partnership a route to HNWI opportunity, says UBP
A partnership with an onshore bank is the preferred path for access to the mainland HNW base, according to Michael Blake, Union Bancaire Privee’s chief executive of Asia.
Report: SocGen to sell stake in China JV
Societe Generale is mulling the sale of its 49% stake in Fortune SG Fund Management, China’s 16th largest mutual fund house, according to industry reports.
China relaxes RQFII quota rules
The Chinese authorities have eased the quota system and the rules for repatriation of capital for overseas institutions investing in onshore assets.