The Swiss private bank is bullish on Chinese and US equities.

The Swiss private bank is bullish on Chinese and US equities.
FSA highlights the best performing Asia ex-Japan funds during the first half of 2024.
The Asian credit universe is more diversified and balanced in terms of sector and country exposures, says UBS AM.
Gautam Samarth, deputy manager for the M&G Episode Macro strategy, explains how the market is being cavalier about tail risk events.
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HSBC Global Private Banking’s Apac regional and Hong Kong head of discretionary and fund, investments and wealth solutions emphasises the scalability of the bank’s services while maintaining a focus on each client’s expectations.
The Swiss pure-play private bank also continues to favour quality growth equities and finds value in industrials.
AllianzGI Global CIO Equity Virginie Maisonneuve says investors who shun China are missing a potential rebound.
Active equity managers can generate alpha and unconstrained bond strategies offer flexibility during uncertainty, says Pictet WM’s Asia head of managed solutions.
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