Beyond the noise, innovative EM companies are taking market share from developed market rivals, says Alistair MacDonald, vice president and institutional portfolio manager for emerging market equities.

Beyond the noise, innovative EM companies are taking market share from developed market rivals, says Alistair MacDonald, vice president and institutional portfolio manager for emerging market equities.
MSCI plans to expand inclusion to smaller China stocks and mid-caps, while UK-based FTSE Russell announced its own additions.
The handful of global managers with private fund management licences compete against 23,000 domestic players. How can they reach more investors?
The firm has partnered with Kuala Lumpur-based TA Investment Management to launch its China-focused equities fund, which is up 70% over three years.
Ten foreign managers have now received Qualified Domestic Limited Partnership (QDLP) licences after China revived the programme at the beginning of the year.
This week the regulator approved three Hong Kong-domiciled products, which are aimed at eventual sale to mainland investors via the Mutual Recognition of Funds scheme.
China’s securities watchdog has released draft rules for consultation for the cross-border programme.
Amid pan-regional success, the past decade has seen Chinese family-owned corporates record a 15% average out-performance versus non-family-owned peers domestically, says Credit Suisse.
The British quant fund manager is the latest firm to register its private fund management (PFM) product onshore, according to the Asset Management Association of China (Amac) database.
FSA compares the Jupiter China Select Fund and the Matthews Asia China Dividend Fund.
Part of the Mark Allen Group.