The firm, which manages one of the world’s largest money market funds, is trying to diversify its product range.

The firm, which manages one of the world’s largest money market funds, is trying to diversify its product range.
The first players to join the pilot scheme include fund managers and online mutual fund distributors.
Using the private fund management channel, the firm has received approval to launch its sixth onshore fund for distribution to China’s domestic investors.
Familiar headwinds will unsettle markets this year, but strong corporate earnings growth will provide opportunities, according to execs from UBS Global Wealth Management.
Structural changes in consumer behaviour as well as attractive valuations should support China’s domestic stock markets, despite another year of volatility, according to ASI’s China equity head.
Since the recent inclusion of China A-shares in mainstream indices, global investors have been looking more closely at company ESG ratings.
The firm believes there are opportunities for selling private funds in the Greater Bay Area.
Foreign investors are expected to increase allocations to China A-shares, so Chinese companies face more pressure to raise their ESG standards.
Foreign controlling stakes are planned as the race to create wealth management partnerships hots up ahead of the lifting of restrictions next year.
Timing of China business trip expected to leave Woodford Equity Income investors ‘appalled’.
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