China equities still reasonable HSBC GAM

A series of monetary easing measures coupled with the launch of the Stock Connect in November last year has led to a sharp surge in mainland equities. The overheating in the market has led to several fund houses warn about a correction. Morgan Stanley Investment Management recently cautioned on a likely bubble in the onshore market. Friday, […]

China gets lowest grade for investor experience

The research firm gave China a “D” because of high fees, particularly for allocation and money market funds. China’s limitations on overseas investing and restrictions on foreign-domiciled funds were also factors, as well as a relative lack of disclosure.  “China was one of a minority of markets where the disclosure of conflicts of interest by advisors […]

MSCI China A-share review

After competing an annual review, the global index provider said it would form a working group with the China Securities Regulatory Commission to resolve concerns and issues highlighted by international institutional investors during its consultation. “The concerns include, but are not limited to, the quota allocation process, capital mobility restrictions and beneficial ownership of investments,” […]

LSE Haitong Securities ink a deal

The two firms have agreed to work together to develop RMB-denominated exchange funds tracking Chinese securities and yuan-denominated fixed income products. The deal is also expected to help Chinese investors tap the LSE for initial public offerings and promote development of index- and derivative-based products. “We are fully committed to supporting Haitong Securities’ ambitions and […]

China this week – June 2015

AMAC cautions on Shenzhen market The Asset Management Association of China reiterated warnings to asset managers about the ChiNext, a NASDAQ-type board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Valuations of companies on the Shenzhen exchange have soared as investors expect the Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock connect to launch this year. The organisation said asset managers should encourage […]

A share on MSCI to erode product differentiation

Axa Investment Managers and M&G Investments recently echoed these views and said passive funds in particular are likely to lose distinction as they all realign their portfolios to include A-shares.  A-share inclusion would have a “knock-on effect for the passive investment industry”, said Matthew Vaight, global and Asian emerging markets fund manager at M&G. “Over […]

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