Products from Allianz Global Investors appeared on the ‘most searched for’ list as well as the increasing and decreasing popularity lists, according to first half data compiled by FE Analytics.

Products from Allianz Global Investors appeared on the ‘most searched for’ list as well as the increasing and decreasing popularity lists, according to first half data compiled by FE Analytics.
Nikko Asset Management has beefed up its China equities team through new hires based in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
Equity fund managers who perform best among peers during specific China market volatility are not among the best when global markets plunge.
Riding China’s policy bus is not as easy as it sounds, as the poor performance of China policy-driven funds shows.
Financials re-rating, structural changes and deleveraging are behind an increased confidence in DWS’s overweight in China equity, according to the firm’s CIO Sean Taylor.
Actively-managed China equity funds are the top performers, while ETFs lag in FSA’s ranking of best and worst China equity products at the end of Q1.
Less than half of managers of China equity funds outperform their indices over several time periods, FSA’s analysis shows.
Sluggish demand for smartphones and curbs on property market are likely to hinder major gains in technology and property sectors in China in 2018, argues Helen Zhu, Blackrock’s head of China equities.
China equity funds lead, while natural resources and hedge funds underperform in FSA’s year-end ranking of the best and worst performing funds available to Hong Kong and Singapore investors.
It’s First State vs HSBC in a quick comparison of two China growth equity funds.
Part of the Mark Allen Group.