Dystopian ETF terminator, Open AI wherefore art thou? Permanent government taxes, Pepsi’s snack downside, Hamlet makes an appearance, Emotional support funds, Advertising from T Rowe and much more.

Dystopian ETF terminator, Open AI wherefore art thou? Permanent government taxes, Pepsi’s snack downside, Hamlet makes an appearance, Emotional support funds, Advertising from T Rowe and much more.
Tech stocks are hammered in a brutal sell-off following the 20th Party Congress in China.
Mutual funds with substantial holdings in China’s three internet giants – Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent – underperformed the MSCI China index in 2017, data from FE show.
Some see the economic outlook for China as grim, supported by manufacturing data, but global index providers hold a more positive view, said according to Jackie Choy, ETF strategist at Morningstar.
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