The Affin Hwang Capital Asian Series includes two funds, the Affin Hwang Select Asia Opportunity Fund and Affin Hwang Select Asia Quantum Fund.
“For many global investors, Asian equities are typically under-represented in their portfolios. Our UCITS offer an excellent opportunity for them to allocate or enhance their allocations to Asia,” Gan Eng Peng, the firm’s head of equity said.
While the fund is currently targeting select European markets, there are plans to extend the offering to other countries at a later stage, Thye said.
The firm has appointed BNP Paribas Securities Services as administrative, registrar, transfer and domiciliary agent as well as custodian.
Mirroring Malaysia range
Both UCITS funds mirror the investment strategies of the firm’s existing domestic funds of the same name.
Launched in 2001, the Affin Hwang Select Asia Opportunity Fund seeks to generate capital appreciation by investing in companies with growth prospects in the Asian region.
The other fund, the Affin Hwang Select Asia Quantum Fund, incepted in 2004, seeks to identify and invest in growth companies. It aims for a 50-99% allocation in companies with market capitalisation less than $1.5bn.
Affin Hwang manages RM29.4bn ($8.3bn) of assets in Asian equity and fixed income instruments.
A look at the one-year performance of the Select Asia Opportunity Fund compared to the MSCI Asia Ex-Japan:
A look at the one-year performance of the Select Asia Quantum Fund compared to the MSCI Asia Ex-Japan small-cap: