Posted inHead To Head

HEAD-TO-HEAD: BlackRock vs Allianz

In the run up to the March release of China's next Five-Year Plan, FSA compares two China equity funds.


Fund Performance

Ng said that the BlackRock fund has performed well year-to-date in 2015, but notably in calendar year 2014. Zhu joined the BlackRock team that year and made allocation changes to steer the fund towards the banking, insurance and real estate sectors. During 2014, the fund outperformed the MSCI China 10/40 Net TR index by a large margin.

“Zhu is strong when it comes to equity valuations and she can quickly identify stocks that have been oversold. Zhu’s decision to initiate a stock rotation in 2014 was a good call and is the main reason for the fund’s [comparative] out-performance [that year],” Ng noted.

By comparison, the Allianz fund had a smaller return year-to-date in 2015. Ng noted that strong market volatility this year has impacted peformance. However, it did outperform the benchmark index during the same period (-0.58% vs -2.37%).

“The Allianz fund’s performance was better in 2013 – a year where people went back into traditional sectors and growth stocks,” Ng said.


Cumulative returns

   6-month   1 year   3 years   5 years 
 BlackRock   -21.20%  8.72%   32.06%   12.64%
 Allianz  -21.97%  4.99%  22.50%  2.12%
Source: FE Analytics


Calendar year returns

   YTD   2014   2013   2012   2011 
 BlackRock   0.54%   14.61%   4.21%   23.01%   -21.07% 
 Allianz  -0.58%   6.46%  7.92%  16.62%  -23.34%
 Source: FE Analytics



   Beta   Volatility 
 BlackRock   1.07  19.93
 Allianz  1.07  19.48
Source: FE Analytics


Ng said that the BlackRock’s fund volatility, which is slightly higher than Allianz, reflects the portfolio managers’ preference for frequent stock rotations.

He noted that the volatility of the Allianz vehicle is also high when compared against the benchmark index, reflecting Chung’s tendency to change her allocations when cyclical opportunities are present. 

Part of the Mark Allen Group.