The hunt for yield has led Asian institutional investors to increase allocations to global real estate commercial properties, according to CBRE.
Category: Asset Class in Focus
China’s soft landing fund
Even the top five performing China funds dropped during the market correction, but one product from Allianz clearly had less downside.
Asia dividends fall in Q2
Dividend payouts from Asian companies declined in the second quarter, but companies are sitting on record cash balances and operating performance is improving, according to Henderson Global Investors.
Flows into RMB bonds likely, says JPM
As authorities take further steps to internationalise the RMB, the currency will strengthen over the medium-term, making onshore bonds attractive, according to JP Morgan Asset Management.
Report: Emerging markets elevated to high risk
Growing concerns in China and other emerging markets could lead to “a prolonged deceleration” and have a “severe knock-on effect across the EU and the US”, according to the most recent report on risk by the Economist Intelligence Unit.
Giving credit to ESG analysis
Including ESG factors when assessing investments can reduce risk and, according to Hermes research, enhance overall fund performance.
China creating big trouble for emerging markets
The issue of the value of China’s currency versus other major currencies, particularly the US dollar, has been rumbling on for many years now.
RMB’s SDR inclusion still likely this year
Axa IM believes China’s RMB currency stands a good chance of being included in the Special Drawing Rights this year despite an IMF report interpreted by many as a delay until next year.
BMO PB overweights European equities
Europe and Japan equities are favoured, but a key investment risk is China’s GDP surprising to the downside, said Edmund Yun, executive director and head of investment for Asia, who shared his second half views with Fund Selector Asia.
Pictet builds cash holdings
Pictet Asset Management is reducing equity exposure and raising cash holdings as the expected US rate hike approaches.