Wealthy investors in Asia should steer away from location as the only component to consider in real estate investing, argues Simon Redman, managing director, client portfolio management at Invesco Real Estate.

Wealthy investors in Asia should steer away from location as the only component to consider in real estate investing, argues Simon Redman, managing director, client portfolio management at Invesco Real Estate.
When investing in gold, conservative high net worth individuals in Asia still prefer owning physical bullion to investing in exchange-traded funds, according to State Street Global Advisors.
Trade tensions between China and the US will not hit equities across the board, according to Union Bancaire Privee (UBP) chief investment officer, Norman Villamin, who advises allocating to beneficiaries of reflation policies.
Convertible bonds (CBs) have a history of equity-like returns, low correlation to geo-political events and a tendency to do well when interest rates rise, according to Tarek Saber, head of convertible strategies.
Even though he is ‘positive but not bullish’ on the corporate credit market, Grégoire Pesquès, head of global credit at Amundi, said he is focused on bond liquidity.
Amid the current cycle of rate hikes plus market uncertainty, BOCHK Asset Management has launched an ‘all-weather’ bond fund in Hong Kong.
When investing in emerging markets equities, a more logical yet easier way to seek returns is focus on stable leaders rather than ‘dark horses’, argued Thomas Schaffner, portfolio manager at Vontobel Asset Management.
Investors in the region, especially institutions, have been avoiding fund of hedge funds (FoHFs) and instead allocating to hedge funds directly, according to Ronnie Wu, co-founder and chief investment officer at Penjing Asset Management.
MSCI plans to expand inclusion to smaller China stocks and mid-caps, while UK-based FTSE Russell announced its own additions.
Older tech names are less sexy than FAANGs, but they have sensible valuations and are moving into high growth areas, according to Iain Fulton, Nikko Asset Management’s investment director.
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