At least $150bn will flow into China’s bond markets as Chinese government securities are phased into the BBGA Index, according to HSBC Global Asset Management.

At least $150bn will flow into China’s bond markets as Chinese government securities are phased into the BBGA Index, according to HSBC Global Asset Management.
The tech sector has posted the best absolute and risk-adjusted returns during the past three years, despite its headline-grabbing volatility.
BBB bonds have mushroomed and fixed income, particularly high yield, has become a hot asset class in Asia again, according to Rachel Harris, senior investment director for credit at Aviva Investors.
Despite the recovery in equity markets this year, JP Morgan’s flagship global income fund allocations reflect an environment of slowing earnings growth and rising macroeconomic risks.
The main risk is not from the US-China trade tension, which Vietnam could actually benefit from, according to Quynh Le Yen, Ho Chi Minh-based portfolio manager at Dragon Capital.
The best emerging market funds are those which have stuck to the four countries first promoted as the Bric nations by Goldman Sachs 18 years ago.
Investors should also bring down expectations of double-digit market returns over the next 10 years, according to Khiem Do, head of Greater China investments for global markets at Barings.
US interest rates on hold, a stabilised dollar and more synchronised global growth rates support emerging market debt prices, argues Merian fixed income director Huw Davies.
The emerging market index was double-digit negative in 2018, but DWS’s APAC chief investment officer says valuations in EM equities have rarely been cheaper.
Chinese companies undergoing business strategy changes may provide ‘phenomenal’ investment opportunities, according to Caroline Maurer, head of Greater China equities at BNP Paribas Asset Management.
Part of the Mark Allen Group.