‘Disruptive’ and ‘innnovation’ fund descriptions have been over-used and lost meaning, says Karen Kharmandarian, who explains how Thematics Asset Management selects companies for a themed fund.

‘Disruptive’ and ‘innnovation’ fund descriptions have been over-used and lost meaning, says Karen Kharmandarian, who explains how Thematics Asset Management selects companies for a themed fund.
Top economists visiting Hong Kong argue there is no clean solution to the trade war and assert that investment opportunities lie in new technologies and social preferences.
Investors should seek extra yield, liquidity – and sanctuary – with investment grade corporate bonds, according to JP Morgan Asset Management.
ETF inflows in recent years have made Vietnam’s large-cap stocks more expensive, according to Dragon Capital.
Ahead of its planned launch of a fixed maturity product, Aberdeen Standard Investments makes the case for emerging market corporate bonds.
Unconstrained bond funds can best cope with an increasingly complex interest rate environment, according to Pictet Asset Management.
Key risks for the asset class have subsided in synch, creating favourable conditions, according to the Legg Mason affiliate firm.
Bearish sentiment and cheap valuations provide a strong buy-signal to investors prepared to “walk the tightrope”, according to Merian’s global emerging markets chief.
The ongoing trade dispute and slowing GDP growth underpin the increasing number of domestic corporate defaults.
Corporate earnings growth and government policies support Chinese equity allocations, the UBS CIO advises its wealthy clients.
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