Institutional investors find emerging Asia the most attractive market offering the best growth prospects over the next three-five years, according to a recent study.

Institutional investors find emerging Asia the most attractive market offering the best growth prospects over the next three-five years, according to a recent study.
Real estate remains the most preferred asset class for the growing base of high net worth individuals in Asia Pacific excluding Japan, according to the Asia Pacific Wealth Report 2014, released by Capgemini and RBC Wealth Management.
Income-oriented funds emerged as the most favoured investment vehicle for retirement planning among Singaporeans, reveals a study by Eastspring Investments.
Less than half of Malaysian unit trust investors currently own Shariah funds while nearly two thirds say they are not confident about their understanding of Shariah-based investments.
Assets in Hong Kong’s Mandatory Provident Fund have more than doubled since 2008‚ accounting for about 63.5% of retirement investable assets despite the lack of clarity over fund expense ratios‚ according to Cerulli Associates.
Concerns that a move to create a mutual recognition fund market between Hong Kong and China, which ultimately could be expanded regionally across Asia, poses a threat to Europes Ucits brand are overstated at least for now, according to Cerulli, the research organisation.
Fund managers are bearish on Asia Pacific ex Japan equities for the first time since Expert Investor Europe began compiling its monthly Manager Sentiment Survey, in January 2005.
Despite global market volatility, investors worldwide are willing to take more risk and prioritize asset growth, but need advice to achieve same, according to a recent survey by Natixis Global Asset Management.
Part of the Mark Allen Group.