Greater China accounts for the largest portion of its private banking assets.
Category: Markets
What are the advantages of Hong Kong’s OFC regime?
Under the new structure, managers may find it easier to distribute their funds outside of Hong Kong.
China’s asset managers try online roadshows
The global spread of the coronavirus has encouraged fund houses in China to interact online with investors, instead of the usual face-to-face roadshow.
GSAM launches four funds in Singapore
MAS has given Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) approval to sell four products to retail investors in the Lion City.
UOB AM launches income FOF in Malaysia
Mercer will recommend the underlying funds of the portfolio.
Fidelity brings water and waste fund to Singapore
Several asset managers have brought ESG or sustainable funds to the Lion City.
Hong Kong has highest density of very rich
The wealth of individuals with net worth of between $5m and $30m grew by around 10% in the financial services-dominated economy last year, according to a Wealth-X survey.
Mirae Asset targets investors in Vietnam
Other plans include offering its globally-listed ETFs to investors in Southeast Asia.
Singapore’s local fund structure aims to win over Caribbean domiciles
The biggest benefit of Mindful Wealth’s re-domiciling of its CLO fund to Singapore could be the new structure’s endorsement by MAS.
Eastspring rolls out two funds in Thailand
The firm has raised THB 11.1bn ($360m) from two feeder funds that were launched last month.