By not aligning portfolios with a net zero objective, managers risk getting out of step with policy makers.
Category: Asset managers
Pictet AM bullish on tech leaders
Investors should remain invested and hold on to correct themes and ideas, said Pictet Asset Management.
UBS GWM identifies green tech opportunities
Companies that provide technological solutions to climate change challenges will prosper, said the Swiss bank.
Boosting returns with infrastructure stocks
Investing in infrastructure should generate reliable and growing cashflows while embracing future trends, argues M&G Investments.
Global behemoths tied at top of China rankings
The race among global asset managers for success in China is entering a new phase, according to the latest Broadridge analysis.
AIIB sets climate change targets
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will align its public and private financial flows with the goals of the Paris Agreement.
UOBAM launches ESG bond fund
UOB Asset Management (UOBAM) offers its first Singapore-focused ESG fund to help investors contribute to the nation’s sustainability drive.
Matthews Asia identifies opportunities in China
The asset manager expects earnings growth from the technology and healthcare sectors in China.
HSBC GPB launches e-signature signing services
HSBC Global Private Banking (GBP) introduces digital document signing for new-to-bank clients in Asia.
ESG funds set to grow in China
Sustainable investing in China has strong growth potential, says Haitong International Asset Management.