Despite the regulatory onslaught, there is value in Chinese stocks, according to Aberdeen Standard Investments (ASI).
Category: Asset Class in Focus
Bond managers react differently to Evergrande debt crisis
Despite the drop in prices, some fixed income managers increased exposure to the Chinese property developer during the past two months, said Morningstar.
Ninety One finds value in China bonds
China’s fixed income market offers defensive assets with attractive returns amid equity market volatility.
Thematic investment opportunities and risks
As part of our Spotlight On: Innovation, Fund Selector Asia spoke to our partners over a two-part series. This is part two, where we look at Thematic investment opportunities and risks.
Identifying Major Themes
As part of our Spotlight On: Innovation, Fund Selector Asia spoke to our partners over a two-part series. This is part one, where we look at Identifying Major Themes.
Invesco finds opportunities in European small-caps
Invesco’s Continental European Small Cap Equity strategy aims to tap into European small caps with proven track records of delivering strong returns.
Spotlight On: Innovation
Fund selector Asia presents Spotlight On – a multi-faceted, deep dive into investment themes and asset classes
China gives Southbound Bond Connect the go-ahead
Mainland investors will be allowed to trade offshore debt through Hong Kong as a result of the new development in the scheme.
Invesco warns of risks in Chinese equities
Investors should be aware of risks in several sectors in China related to recent regulatory policies and the slowing economy, according to Invesco.
Robeco targets next wave of digital adopters
The asset manager’s new fund aims to capture the massive wave of internet adoption in emerging markets (EM).